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Mariah Carey começa a seguir Anitta no Instagram; brasileira fica surpresa

Anitta também falou que começou a cantar por conta da Mariah.

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Licoes de anitta sorrindo cabelo castanho camiseta preta 190127 165326
Foto: Reprodução/internet

A cantora Mariah Carey passou a seguir Anitta no Instagram e a artista brasileira disse que o grupo da sua família estava comemorando o fato da diva tê-la notado na rede social.

“Este é meu cachorro mostrando que até mesmo ele precisa gostar de Mariah para entrar em casa", escreveu a cantora. Na imagem, o pet aparece com roupa e acompanhado de vários álbuns de Carey. "Sim, tenho várias coisas dela. Sim, estou tão morta quanto minha família", comentou Anitta.

Anitta também falou que começou a cantar por conta da Mariah. “Eles me fizeram fã dela desde criança e é por causa dela que eu sempre quis ser cantora”. A cantora também disse que sabe que "quem segue quem" no Instagram não é algo super relevante, mas isso não a impede de ficar emocionada por ter sido notada por um de seus ídolos.

Ver essa foto no Instagram

That's my family waking me up today telling me @mariahcarey followed me. For the ones who don't know, my 2 aunts and my mom were obsessed about her. So when I was born I was the best student ever for them and became an even better fan. That's why I started to say I wanted to be a singer so early in life. My uncle use to present us every Christmas with a new MC cd and we always use to celebrate going craaaaaazy. (Cuz in that time we didn't have money to buy ourselves). So this one and only cd of hers of the year used to spend one week in each of us' houses. And I use to go to their houses with the cd to keep listening lol. (When I got money I bought 2 of each cd for us so we could listen as much as we wanted.) When she came to Brazil, we didn't have money to go see. I remember me listening to her concert on the radio crying cuz I wasn't there. My birthday is 2 days after hers and sometimes we use to celebrate her birthday with mine lol. When I could finally have enough money to travel all the family to see her show, everytime I tried some shit happened and we couldn't make it (sorry for some empty front seats u must have seeing sometimes. It was ours and we were as pissed as u probably were seeing that was empty.) I don't give a fuck that it's just a Instagram follow stuff. I'm not trying a feat, not trying a meet, I’m not trying an answer here... actually I'm not trying shit. I'm just sharing how crazy is life. I grew up with her in my heart every day as my inspiration from very very far away and now she knows who the fuck I am. That's crazy as fuck.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Anitta ???? (@anitta) em 17 de Ago, 2019 às 8:13 PDT

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